Hamdije Kapidžića 10, Dobrinja 71000 Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina tel: +387 (0) 33 454 499




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kallajelaSpavaća soba je utočište pred svakodnevnim stresom, naša oaza mira i mjesto gdje sanjamo, maštamo i odmorni dočekujemo novi dan. Udoban namještaj koji će buditi pozitivnu energiju u Vama svakako je bitna stavka pri uređenju spavaće sobe.

Uz našu pomoć spavaću sobu možete opremiti u modernijem ili u klasičnom stilu, a širok izbor proizvoda omogućuje Vam dizajn prema vašim potrebama. Izaberite kolekcije namještaja ili krevete brandova Tomasella, ZanetteDitreAlples, JelaHespoStillesOriolik i Miotto.

logo tomasella"Looking back to the past to understand the future."

With this maxim, in 1948 Luigi Tomasella founded what was destined to become a leading producer on the Italian furniture scene.

The founder’s sons and grandsons now run the company in world markets: in Europe, Asia and the U.S.A., with its own sales network.

Today, as a company, Gruppo Tomasella covers 100,000 sq. m dedicated to producing modern che classici and classic furniture and furnishing accessories, with the right balance of sound company history and a strong inclination for technological and creative innovation.


zanette logoZanette was founded in 1962 as a company focused on quality, with strategically located factory and stores in between the provinces of Pordenone and Treviso. Right from the outset, it was strongly active on the international market, where the quality of Italian design held particular importance.

Zanette philosophy bases itself on continual affinity with the present times, in order to amass the tastes and requests of a varied and cosmopolitan client base. The Zanette product is always able to anticipate and interpret, with consistency of style and versatility, the intention of any home requirement. The creative input of the designers can be seen with the floaty feel and soft tones which enshroud the products, magically created by highly skilled hands.


ditre italia logoDitreItalia has longstanding experience in the upholstered furniture sector. From when it was founded in 1976 by the De Marchi brothers to the sub-supplier period of the factory in San Martino di Colle Umberto, ongoing improvement in business performance has enabled the company to grow quickly. It has changed from an artisan business to the present-day company.

DitreItalia has two production units, spanning a total covered surface area of 40,000m2. Its headquarters is in Cordignano: this includes a large new showroom, created according to a particularly advanced concept of interior design, and offices, where designs are produced, marketing strategies are devised, sales policies are developed and administrative activities are carried out.



Poduzeće Alples osnovano je godine 1955. i danas je vodeći proizvođač namještaja u Sloveniji.

S timom od 190 zaposlenika zalažemo se za visoku kvalitetu, uspješnost i brigu za naše kupce. Kroz bogatu tradiciju stekli smo iskustvo i znanje s kojim smo u toku kako s tehnologijom, tako i s razvojnim i dizajnerskim trendovima.

Naš slogan glasi "Kada stan postane dom.." jer je Alplesova misija pomagati kupcima u stvaranju doma.


jela jagodina logoJela Jagodina d.o.o. je proizvođač pločastog nameštaja koji zadovoljava raznovrsne funkcije kuhinja, predsoblja, spavaćih, dnevnih i dječjih soba. Kompletan proizvodni program namještaja Jela sada je dostupan i u našem salonu po promo akciji uz 20% uštede.



Tvrtka Hespo osnovana je 1991. godine. Nakon dotadašnje, dugogodišnje proizvodnje opružnih jezgri koje su se uglavnom izvozile u zemlje zapadne Europe, logičan slijed bio je početak proizvodnje madraca.

Tijekom proteklih 20 godina tvrtka Hespo intenzivno je rasla uz kontinuirano investiranje u modernizaciju proizvodnje i razvoj vlastitih, novih programa proizvoda. Rezultat toga je neosporna uloga tržišnog lidera na regionalnom tržištu madraca te snažan brand prepoznat od strane krajnjih korisnika kao sinonim za udobnost, kvalitetu i zdravlje.


stilles logo

The furniture made at Stilles is the product of our own development based on our long tradition and is characterised by a high degree of hand work. Our furniture collections are suitable for both homes and office spaces, as well as for smaller family hotels.

Poseban razvoj proizvoda, duga tradicija i visok stupanj ručnog rada karakteristike su namještaja kojeg proizvodimo u Stillesu. Kolekcija namještaja pogodne su za domaće i poslovne prostora, kao i za opremanje manjih, obiteljskih hotela.


OrioliklogoOriolik d.d. je suvremena tvornica u privatnom vlasništvu sa dvije bazne djelatnosti, širokog i fleksibilnog asortimana prilagodljivog zahtjevima tržišta: proizvodnja tapeciranog namještaja te proizvodnja poliuretanskih mekih i krutih pjena te prateće proizvodnje drvenih elemenata i metalnih mehanizama i rama. Svojim proizvodima "Oriolik" d.d. je već više od 30 godina prisutan u većini europskih zemalja.


MIOTTOLOGOMIOTTO is a complete living concept that embodies trends and styles from around the globe. It is elegant in essence and evokes emotions of timeless charm and perfection. The MIOTTO collection blends a range of materials, textures, palates and designs - it is contemporary in every aspect yet comfortable and alluring.

Tables and chairs with a distinctly contemporary look and feel, designed and finely crafted to suit - and make - an exceptional, personal home environment. After all, dining is about far more than just food: it’s about taking the time to nourish and enjoy ourselves and each other. It’s about sharing - good things and good times - with those special others. And it’s about shaping the special, personal things in life to reflect our taste for style, beauty and everyday functionality.


Ukoliko imate dodatnih upita, molimo da nas kontakirate.



Od svog osnutka 1998 god. pa sve do danas osiguravamo svim našim kupcima koji žele opremiti svoj prostor kvalitetnim i stilskim namještajem, proizvode eksluzivnih marki koje će zadovoljiti visoku kvalitetu i moderan dizajn.


... uspješno trajemo i svakodnevno radimo na tome da Vaši prostori ožive!


Hamdije Kapidžića 10, Dobrinja

71000 Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina

tel: +387 (0) 33 454 499
fax: +387 (0) 33 454 499

e-mail: apinter@bih.net.ba

